How to develop underperforming talent.

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That’s the difference, it’s talent that we are focused on! What a frustration…talent going to waste! Developing underperforming talent requires a well thought out approach that focuses on identifying areas for improvement, providing support and fostering growth. Highlighted in this week’s focus are some steps that you can take:

Identify the Root Cause: Before implementing any development plan, it’s essential to understand why the talent is underperforming. Is it due to lack of skills, motivation, resources, or something else? Conduct performance reviews, gather feedback, and communicate openly with the individual to pinpoint the underlying issues.

Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations regarding performance standards, goals, and responsibilities. Ensure that the underperforming talent understands what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated.

Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on areas where improvement is needed. Focus on specific behaviours or skills that need development rather than criticising the individual. Encourage open communication and be receptive to their perspective.

Create a Development Plan: Work together with the individual to create a personalised development plan that outlines specific goals, actions, and timelines for improvement. Break down larger goals into manageable tasks and provide resources and support to help them to achieve success.

Offer Training and Resources: Identify training programs, workshops, courses, or mentorship opportunities that can help address skill gaps and enhance performance. Provide access to relevant resources, tools, and support networks to facilitate learning and development.

Provide Coaching and Support: Offer one-to-one coaching sessions to provide guidance, support, and encouragement. Regular check-ins can help track progress, address challenges, and provide additional feedback as needed.

Encourage a Growth Mindset: Foster a culture that values continuous learning and growth. Encourage the individual to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and persist in their efforts to improve. Reinforce the belief that abilities can be developed through commitment and hard work.

Recognise Progress and Success: Celebrate milestones and achievements along the way to keep the individual motivated and engaged. Recognise their efforts and progress publicly to reinforce positive behaviour and encourage further improvement.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review progress against the development plan and adjust strategies as needed. Be flexible and adaptive in your approach, taking into account feedback from the individual and any changes in their circumstances or priorities.

Seek Additional Support if Needed: If the underperformance persists despite your efforts, consider seeking additional support from HR, colleagues, or external experts. They may offer valuable insights or resources to help address underlying issues and support the individual’s development.

Remember, developing underperforming talent requires patience, persistence, and a commitment to their growth and success. By providing the necessary support, guidance, and resources, you can help them reach their full potential and contribute effectively to the organisation.

“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
Harvey S. Firestone