We would love to include you.

Executive Coaching and Strategy
Executive Coaching
Leadership, Change and Transition



Programmes- Leadership, Organisational Change and Transition

What Solution Focused has enabled us to do is to understand the theory but also how to bring that theory into our working practices.  That has helped us think differently about the ways we do things, to open our minds about how we can achieve things in a different way and that these things are totally achievable.

We have taken the new ways of working and thought through the capabilities to help propel us forward.  The tools and learning have helped us think differently and that has delivered some great results

David Schulman – Head of Order Assurance (Vodafone)

High Performing Teams
Teamship & Values Integration
Solution Focused Thinking



Programmes- Business Improvement, High Performing Teams and Executive Coaching

Earlier this year Solution Focused facilitated our Leadership Away Day. This session was crucial in helping us break down the change into a realistic and achievable execution strategy for our business but more importantly the methods and approach brought home the importance of addressing the culture of our team and our wider business if we were to lead the change successfully. As a team we were challenged by Solution Focused and their approach, this definitely brought the best out of the individuals and the team as a collective. Without John (Solution Focused) at the session we would not have achieved so much or had as much fun!

Joanna Joynson – Director (AON)

Leadership, Coaching & High Performing Teams
Leadership, Coaching, Teamship & Strategy
BOAL: Culture Change & Peak Performance



Programmes- Peak Performance, Coaching, Leadership, High Performing Teams and Conference Facilitation

Solution Focused had a massive impact on our organisation and enabled us to achieve both our business targets and personal goals.  We would highly recommend engaging with Solution Focused

Kate Markham, Managing Director Hiscox Direct

Career Development
Peak Performance
Peak Performance, Change & Transition


Ready to experience change? Get In Touch with us to day and maximise your potential!

TEL:  0330 002 1101
EMAIL:  info@solution-focused.co.uk