Following Procedures…
There is usually good reason! Listen here
The use of the term procedures can sometimes be looked upon with disdain or disrespect! But why?
In the current Covid19 setting, we are now being asked to wear face coverings and amongst some people this has been clearly scorned…Their own preference being preferred to the bigger picture.
In any walk of life, procedures have to be created. We can look upon society as a team and where we need to operate within certain parameters. Without this, we would be a lawless and dysfunctional group. Surely, with the world’s safety at stake, this is a small price to pay.
Translating this into different settings…Within sport, the term “take one for the team” is often used. The meaning being that they gave up something or sacrificed, for the greater good. Procedures within sport can be looked upon in two ways…The tactics that a team employee…How the group of players mix and match and work together. In this context, players buy into the tactics and aim to carry them out to get the desired result.
The other interpretation is when used as “Rules”. The code of conduct and regulations that the teams and players abide by…Often more open to interpretation, dispute, and abuse. But again, they are there for a purpose!
In all instances, one thing stands out…The need for clear communication! Consider the workplace. There are occasions when people may say to a customer, “I am sorry but those are our procedures”…How much better to say “We do it this way because it makes sure that your order is correctly processed”.
The latter statement leads into office workflows. In the modern world an empowered workforce is usually more productive and creative, yet parameters need to be in place.
Turning back to the initial question and Covid19. There is generally good reason, and rather like the quote below…This will not be forever!
Make sure that your procedures are there for a reason, communicate them clearly and regularly review them!
“We have such rigid rules, sometimes, that they don’t have to be rules. They can be policies and procedures that can be adapted for the moment”.
Oscar Munoz