Mental Health Week…
What we can all do. Listen here
Starting yesterday (Monday 10th) until Sunday 16th is mental health awareness week.
In recent years, we have started to talk about mental health and not shy away from it as if a taboo subject. To make the situation worse, the global pandemic has seen millions of people experience a mental health problem, or perhaps a close friend, partner or relative.
Let’s consider the definition…
Mental: of or relating to the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to external reality
Health: the general condition of the body or mind
When considered in line with the definitions, it really is no different to physical health. We go to the gym and we train our bodies. We hear the expression healthy body and healthy mind. People hire personal trainers…We hire life coaches and learn how to master the mind through mental exercises…so why is mental health so stigmatised?
We have moved on so much yet have more to go. Responsible employers understand that trauma, stress, and depression are very real, and are now better equipped to look after employees and facilitate a return to full health.
By knowing your teams as individuals, and by taking an interest in them will help Leaders to spot warning signs, but watch out for…
- poor concentration levels
- being easily distracted
- worrying more
- finding it hard to make decisions.
- talking less and avoiding social activities
- talking more or talking very fast, jumping between topics and ideas
- finding it difficult to control emotions.
- irritability and short temper
Talk to your colleagues…find somewhere private, and talk…don’t take notes, but actively listen. Don’t interrupt…Be there to help…and then consider “what is your support system and what tools have you got to help”? Consider…this can happen to each and everyone of us…That includes YOU!
“Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.”
Bill Clinton