Rest and recoup…
2021 will be better! Listen here
It’s to be hoped, that we won’t see another year like it. Certainly not in our lifetimes…Our jobs, our business, our livelihoods, our sanity, our friends, our loved ones…It’s taken its toll. Even the most positive of people have been affected in some way by COVID-19.
Isolated, exhausted, mental health, financially, we will be feeling just a touch weary.
Soon the Christmas break will be on us…and a challenging time for some. For once in your life, think what you and your family want to do. Use the time wisely.
Outside of the work that I do within the world of business, I also coach endurance athletes with an England Athletics coach badge. Any training regime is to stretch the body (load), and then rest and recover…This allows the athlete to stretch still further next time…The body has recovered.
In some respects, this is exactly what we need at Christmas…Time to recharge…Think carefully about how you are going to use the time…With Covid restrictions there are limits anyway!
You want to come back to work in the New Year refreshed…invigorated! Given the restrictions, enjoy the benefits of a relaxing and quieter Christmas.
Pick up the phone and speak with friends and relations…Make their day on hearing your voice. Smile and remember this very special time of year!
Think of new hobbies…write a poem/s…try painting…Everyone has a book in them.
Get some exercise, walking has both health and mental wellbeing! Cold fresh air can be invigorating…smile as you walk past people…offer them a cheery smile and hello!
Write down your achievements from 2020…You will be pleasantly surprised. What would you really like in 2021…This is high level…not goal setting. When you get back to work refreshed, talk to your boss about what you want for you and your business (your high-level thinking) …With a refreshed mind, plan what is realistic, agree, and then create the goals to make them happen.
Refresh…Refocus…Replan…Re achieve in 2021!
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to follow them”
Walt Disney