Results take time

Should they always?
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In this example, we are talking of how a change of behaviour or action taken will have a tangible result at some point in the future.
In some respects it’s rather like setting smart objectives… perhaps there is the key…If we hope for results without some kind of plan…When will we know if they are achieved?

Results tend to be as a result of given instructions and actions. So should they always take time?

Within the workplace, we can think of five scenarios…

  • Micro Level
  • Short Term
  • Medium Term
  • Long Term
  • Future Plan

Similarly, the way that we give instructions will change for each.
At Micro Level, we are talking simply hours or less. An instruction about something that has to happen quickly. But this could be due to urgency or because it’s purely part of “business as usual”. It may also mean that only the former will need follow up

Short Term is likely to be over a period of couple of days…Seven days maximum. Not urgent but needs to happen. A result will be expected and followed up

Medium Term will commonly be a month. Your 1-2-1 with your Direct Reports and what is expected. Targets set and follow up always necessary

Long Term is likely to be six to twelve months. Commonly a reporting period for a business. Results may take time when considered here but will only happen in the positive when short term and medium term are used correctly

Future Plan is more a case of ongoing discussion to formulate strategy and to communicate as necessary but to then implement as needed and be phased into Long Term but still with an element of an ongoing strategy and vision.

Much will also depend on the instruction that you give…This includes clarity and the measures. Clear leads to results…Loose leads to missed results.

“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” 

William Durant, co-founder, General Motors