Vision…Mission & Values
The importance to every business.
Warm and fluffy, or defined and articulated in such a way that everyone understands.
How do you describe the “big picture”, visualising and describing exactly what your business is there for (it’s mission), and then what it stands for…it’s ethos (it’s values).
In an increasingly competitive world and one where the consumer is king, organisations need to know exactly where they are heading and what they are trying to achieve. The key then becomes articulating this to a large workforce and in such a way that they can see their purpose and recognize how their contribution will help to deliver the end goal.
A mission statement explains the reason for the company’s existence in a short statement.
“To be the number one provider of broadband to all consumers in the UK.”
Without this, the clear aim is vague or lost…it should also be known by all employees. Short and snappy, but which can be developed into other areas in more detail. It also needs to be realistic. Do your people buy into it, and have you got all of the tools and people to deliver against it?
“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are”…Roy Disney.
Core values are the standards or principles that determine an organisation’s internal behaviors and principles, as well as its relationship with the external world. The challenge then becomes delivering against the values, each day, and similarly in challenging times…even when the alternatives might be easier. You live by your values, and they define you.
There should be no doubt as to the importance of defining a clearly articulated set of mission statement, vision statement and statement of core values. They are there to always remind people of the big picture and of your “raison d’etre”, together with the way that you do things…BUT…
It is just the start…they are not there for fun, but to live by. They should guide your decision making, your actions and the behaviours of your people.
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when
you take your eyes off the goal.”
Henry Ford