Plan for transition…
As well as change!!
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For many people, the term “Change Management” can produce a sharp intake of breath! Too often it creates negative connotations. Thoughts often turn to worst case scenarios…Changes that negatively impact employees…uncertainty, changes to role without even considering financial implications.
Change always happens for a reason, sometimes a change in consumer needs and/or the business having to react to changes in revenue streams.
Change can be fun! It’s in part down to both the Change Management and the Transition.
In simple terms, Change management is a structured approach to moving an organisation from the current state to the desired future state. The key is communication and “Buy In”. It will never always be a “win-win” but that needs to be the aim.
Our Solution Focused Tear Cycle explains this: Thinking>Emotions>Actions>Results.
Yet far too often, results are expected, actions given, emotions not considered and thinking is assumed!
So where does Transition kick in? Transition Management sits right at the centre and should deal with the people side. If you consider a fast flowing river and having to build a camp on the opposite side to where you and your team are stood, the actual building would be the end result (what you want), while the transition deals with the people, and how you are going to get them over!
What roles are needed? Who is taking responsibility? How do you create buy in? Without getting the people to the other side, means that you will never have successful use of your new camp!
The people side is vitally important as ultimately as you move into “new world”, these are many of the people that will ultimately have the greatest bearing on the success of the change itself.
Plan carefully (Change Management) while ensuring that your people are correctly looked after (Transition Management)
“Few things are more important during a change event than communication from leaders who can paint a clear and confidence-inspiring vision of the future”
Sarah Clayton