I am fascinated with people, performance and watching people do great things. Just a few days ago i popped into the pub close to where i live, i had been watching a football match, my team won 2-1 in front of a crowd of 5600- life felt good!
The telephone rang behind the bar and the member of staff answered the phone. It was clearly a request for booking a table that evening to eat. Nothing unusual- in fact you could say it was quite routine, but what followed made me watch with added interest!
Obviously i could not hear the caller’s words, but what really attracted me were not just the words that the member of staff was using so effortlessly, but her facial expression and body language. On the phone- yes on the phone! The smiles, actual body language, arm movements, laughs- it was all there! It was almost like a new friendship being created- we talk about first impressions.
While i try not to use the word ‘experience’ too much, it can apply to dining. The food, the atmosphere, the service and the ambiance. The experience is more than just the food. I really believe that this diners experience started from the moment that they made the first phone call. As they got ready to come out, to enjoy a drink and relax over food with friends, the journey will truly have started with that initial phone call!
Never forget that we get many chances to delight our customers, make sure you do it on every occasion.
‘Few realise how loud their expressions really are.
Be kind with what you wordlessly say.’
Richelle E. Goodrich