The Key Lessons
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Change can be unsettling…but change can be exciting! The difference may not just be down to the personality traits of the individual! Naturally some of the workforce will relish and embrace change. A “bring it on” attitude! For the majority change is something best left alone.
What a shame. Change can lead to new opportunities, learning and developing new skills, then pushing yourself outside of your comfort zones. When you consider these points, it becomes clear that good leaders who mentor and coach teams & individuals all of the time will succeed in implementing change far more easily. Trust is already there. So too the instilling of personal belief.
Sometimes for whatever reasons, change can be challenging. Use these simple pointers below:
- If the change is significant, always consult and involve your HR Team.
- Communication is key and on a regular basis. Email will be needed initially and periodically but face to face is vital. Consider also appointing a couple of people who can act as liaison points…People that you can trust and have a PMA!
- Significant change will create questions…Group meetings help as the change develops and your trusted liaison points can help in these meetings.
- Timing of change and the announcements are important. Always give plenty of notice so that you can work with your teams during the transition. Similarly, don’t implement change at your busiest times…Plan!
- Articulate your thinking and vision. Change is happening for a reason and it’s important that you can clearly demonstrate the outcome, why its needed and the benefits. Bring your team with you!
- Uncertainty is the biggest issue. Leave nothing to chance and anticipate your staff’s questions, doubts and fears and address them before they come up.
Yes, for some change is unsettling. Your role as a Leader is to champion the change and do so in a way that excites the minds of even the doubters. By thinking carefully, and communicating clearly, listening and acting on concerns will make a huge difference.
“There is nothing wrong with change…if it is in the right direction.”
Winston Churchill