First of all, let’s look at the dictionary definition…
A reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal, or disapproval. The act of objecting, opposing, or disputing: His or her ideas were open to serious objection. A ground or cause for objecting. A feeling of disapproval, dislike, or disagreement.
Reading this, it seems quite a strong and negative connotation. But does it have to be? Objections can happen for a variety of reasons and often this is because we have not explained something fully. It may be that if we are offering a product or service, that we have rushed the process and not fully explained things. A salesman almost seeing the “Sale Sign” before the Customer has had the chance or the opportunity to make a proper consideration.
We recently spoke with one of our clients about what is called “The Timperley Scale”…In any relationship there are a number of phases that need to be carried out…This could take months or as short as minutes and even less! The pathway is as follows…
- Acknowledge…In the first place!
- Understand…What you are about/offering
- Acceptance…Of this
- Trust…In you
- Respect…As a person
- Bond…In a situation/relationship
So can you recover from objections? Of course…Better still to not receive them in the first place!
- Thank them and use it as the opportunity to explain something in a better way
- Be empathetic and use phrases like…
- “I am sorry that you feel that way”
- “I can understand that”
- “It must have been very difficult” etc. etc.
- Take your time to review where you are in the process before moving on
- Ask some open questions and try probing for some further information
- When the dust has settled and back on a level playing field explain the situation and make an offer
- It may help to demonstrate the benefits that the product or service has had on others…Ultimately, it’s about the perceived value that the customer is going to receive.
it is simply a request for more information”
Bo Bennett