When a team is winning, morale is high…and if morale is high, the team is in a position to win but what comes first?
Is it ‘high morale or winning?’ Most likely high morale, because high morale magnifies everything positive that is happening in the team.
High Morale is the Great Exaggerator
When an entire team is positive and all the players feel good about themselves,everything seems good.
High Morale is the Great Elevator
When a team possesses high morale, the performance of its people goes to an entire new level. The team focuses on its potential, not its problems.
High Morale is the Great Energizer
High morale gives team energy… players become like the energizer bunny!
High Morale is the Great Eliminator
Because of the momentum and associated energy, everything but significant obstacles become irrelevant.
High Morale is the Great Emancipator
Winning creates breathing space to provide the freedom to try new ideas.
Get the behaviours right, light the blue touch paper and watch the business come alive. When did you last reflect on the emotional temperature of your team?
Sometimes it pays to reflect and consider on a range of issues outside of your standard KPI.
‘The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.’ Winston Churchill