Successful People have a System
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Very few things happen in life by accident! Usually, it’s the result of hard work and the creation of a plan. The plan might be something like a road map. Guiding you in the right direction, so that you get to where you want to be and perhaps with a time frame? How long will it take to get you there?
Our brain thrives on a clear direction- it allows for clarity of thought and better decision making…Similarly a lack of ambiguity and even doubt! A firm plan and one that creates the right self-talk! At Solution Focused we use our T.E.A.R (Thinking, Emotions, Actions, Results) cycle.
The brain is the most complex part of our body…It shapes the way we think and behave. It then becomes so vitally important to understand how we can influence the brain, to new and improved ways of thinking. How we see the outside world and our thoughts about ourselves will determine our behaviours.
We then consider what we want to achieve…Often the word “Motivation” is used. What few people realise is that to have any form of motivation requires a need for powerful goals that then drives our personal levels of motivation.
Once the thinking has become a firm idea and goals created, comes a need for planning.
There are many ways to get from A to B. There are many ways to achieve the same outcome. Some will be better than others, some will have more likelihood of success. What becomes important is the generation of as many ideas as possible. Then you can rationalise and segment into the different ways of achieving your plan.
Finally, its time for action…To get out there and do it and of course with a robust system to measure your progress both on the journey and when you get there.
If you want to make sure that you have all of the tools necessary, our Solution Focused Success Event will give you all of the key tools and techniques that you need! Click here to learn more!
“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” Chris Grosser