I was recently approached by a friend, who has had a very successful career in business and having retired at the age of fifty is doing some fabulous work through her own charity “Transforming Lives”. www.transforminglives.me. I might add that Catriona is very hard to say NO to!
I thrive on challenges, in fact it’s what we do at Solution Focused…Helping teams to deliver outstanding success.
The challenge? Catriona asked me last week if I could help her one weekend…Simple enough? Not quite! The Charity is organising The Cheshire Dash for Duchenne 2018 on Saturday 7th & 8th July. It’s 200 miles of cycling over two days.
My role would be to both cycle the two days but also find ways to encourage, support and provide the mental tools to help those that needed them the most to make it to the finish line. The same people who have spent the last twelve months preparing!
I have always played sport all of my life and am very involved in the “Running World”. Sadly following a number of injuries, I have not run competitively for over 5 years and the results both in terms of fitness levels and weight gain speak for themselves.
I have a bike but it has not been used for two years- I have never got the same buzz from cycling that I did when running.
This is going to be a real challenge for me. I now have eight weeks to improve my fitness and get to the start ready and prepared not only to cycle the 200 miles myself, but find ways to encourage others to find levels of resolve that they may previously not have had!
I will be updating twice weekly with progress and will be sharing with you the tools and techniques that I will be using to mentally prepare myself and also others! Join me on the journey, and use the same techniques to deliver an even better YOU!
Thanks Nick
Nick Bishop (Director)
“What we think we become” Buddha