Your Leadership Brand in the Hospitality Sector

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Saying the words aloud may seem a touch commercial…a person being a brand?

The term brand refers to a business and marketing concept that helps people identify a particular company, product, or individual. Brands are intangible, which means you cannot actually touch or see them…Perhaps it becomes part of your DNA, and people know what to expect? It conveys your identity, your distinctiveness, and your values as a leader.

Let’s consider the hospitality sector…one of the points of difference is what the brand (business) represents. High end, restaurant chain etc. best in class…Michelin starred etc.!

A strong personal Leadership Brand allows everything that represents you to come to the surface and deliver effective results. Your people truly buying into you as a Leader.

As a business grows the importance of consistency across the group becomes vital…the same values and ethos displayed by all…this is when the role of the leader becomes so important.
Few Leaders consider this…what do they represent and how are they perceived? This is different to being liked…its more how people think of your style and values…what do you represent? You may not have considered this yourself, but your people will have! Better that you consider this first…Reflect on the following statements…” Fair, principled, values driven, authentic…compared with rudderless, toothless, lacking principles, etc…” Which words would you want included in your brand?

You don’t want to leave it to chance. You want to have considered your values and how you want to be identified…similarly, you are likely to perform in a style consistent with your self-concept. How you behave and perceive yourself.

In a fast-paced hospitality environment and where the business will have many touch points with customers over the day, the need for the leader to get buy in from their people becomes so important…customer centric, a team player, the ability to make decisions etc.

When considering your brand, ask yourself…what do you want to be known for, and what results do you want to achieve? What kind of leader are you, and in what areas do you need to excel to ensure that your kitchens, your front of house, your people across all areas truly excel?

When you have recognized what you stand for and your values, it allows you to become a more authentic and consistent Leader. Your people will understand your expectations better, and your “brand” will be clear for all! Your mantra? “I am taking our business to the next level. We are getting a Michelin Star”!

“Personal branding is the art of becoming knowable, likable, and trustable.”
John Jantsch