Your Personal Mid-Year Audit.
It’s a New Year, and you excitedly set your New Year Goals, and plans…wait for it…only 8% manage to hit them at the year end. The usual reason is the lack of a goal plan and evaluation system.
Welcome to the personal mid-year review. This allows you to reevaluate your goals, create a fresh new goal plan, and put together an evaluations system that works for you. By doing so, you will be among the 8% of people who reach their goals!
So, how is a personal mid-year review done? The first step in any personal mid-year review is to reflect. This will help you evaluate where you started, where you are now, and where you want to go in the future. Some pointers:
- What did I accomplish? What am I most proud of? Then make sure that you celebrate these wins!
- What tasks and projects did I not complete? Which of these do I want to push forward into the next half of the year?
- What are my goals for the year? How close am I to reaching these goals?
- Which goals do I want to continue to pursue? Which goals do I want to drop?
- How did I reach the goals I accomplished? What can I learn from this?
- Why did I not reach the goals I haven’t accomplished? What can I learn from this?
- What overall learnings (good and bad) am I taking to the second half of the year?
Now, focus on the next six months, and with the above thinking, consider which tasks do you need to get done? What habits help and/or hinder you?
Next, move on to your current, or ongoing task and project lists. What needs to be migrated into the second half of the year? What can you delegate or remove? Next, it is time to create a bullet proof plan to reach your goals before the end of the year. Estimate your available time, set up milestones, and break your goals down into bite-sized chunks. Be realistic with this!
Create mental pictures of what success will look like, the benefits, and the importance of! WHY you are going to succeed…HOW, you will feel, and all of the benefits! Reflect…Analyse…Implement…Learn. Finalise your plan and visit it each week!
A goal properly set is halfway achieved! Zig Ziglar.